
Katherin Aarhus


Arena Resortwear is a Colombian fashion brand with its head office in the heart of Medellin. Arena was established in 2019 by founder Katherin Aarhus. Katherin created the brand with the purpose of making designs in good quality at affordable prices. Something she felt like had been missing in the industry. Founder Katherin Julieth Aarhus Arena’s identity is based on luxury swimwear that still manage to emphasize the feminine and modern woman. Being inspired by the tropic world is not a coincidence since Katherin is a lover of the ocean. The Arena design and DNA combines caribbean and minimalist with...

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Katherin Aarhus


El hecho de que Arena Swimwear sea sostenible se debe a su uso de tejidos PEP (Polyester Eco Power) y su compromiso con la responsabilidad social. Las telas PEP están hechas de botellas de plástico recicladas y otros desechos posconsumo, lo que reduce el impacto ambiental de los métodos tradicionales de producción de poliéster. Estos tejidos son duraderos y tienen las mismas características de alta calidad que el poliéster virgen. Al usar telas PEP, Arena Swimwear está reduciendo los desechos y minimizando su huella de carbono. Además, Arena Swimwear está comprometida con la responsabilidad social al garantizar prácticas laborales justas...

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